Saturday, May 1, 2010

Busy Week

What a tumultuous week! I have done little but write this week. My final draft of the short selling book is due next week, I have had wonderful ideas for Runner (my novel), and I have picked up two new web content jobs.

It's actually been great. I have been able to stay home with Ethan everyday and enjoy his company. And when he cries, I either pick him up and type one-handed, or I take a break if I need one.

I've kept my promise to myself too. I have been doing a lot of pleasure reading. I'm currently working on Enchantment, by Orson Scott Card. Not his best work, but still a good read.

In addition to my writing, I've been brainstorming ideas for my wife's new business. I have been starting seedlings of organic plants to go along with her green-themed concepts. I've also been planting other non-organic plants for my own enjoyment. We are going to have a million tomato plants in a few months, it seems.

I still need ideas for the book giveaway contest! Email me with suggestions.

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